We’re excited to announce the partnership between PlaceWar and OWNED

PlaceWar Official
2 min readApr 8, 2023

PlaceWar, a decentralized strategic play-to-earn game universe, has announced a new partnership with Owned that promises to take the gaming industry by storm. With PlaceWar’s strong community of players and Owned’s innovative asset management tools, this partnership is poised for explosive growth.

One of the main benefits of this collaboration is the ability to streamline new in-game assets, making it easier for players to access the items they need to succeed in PlaceWar’s strategy-driven gameplay. Additionally, developers can manage their assets directly through Owned, simplifying the process and freeing up time to focus on creating an unforgettable gaming experience.

This exciting partnership marks a new era for PlaceWar and Owned. The possibilities for growth and expansion are endless. With PlaceWar’s engaging gameplay and Owned’s comprehensive vendor dashboard, this dynamic duo is set to make waves in the gaming world.


Powered by Unix Gaming, the guys who turned a Discord server into a $30M raise and one of the largest P2E guilds. OWNED helps traditional, mainstream gamers find great Web3 games, and developers grow their player base thanks to smart discovery tools.

OWNED is a Web3 gaming platform for gamers to connect & socialize, find great games, compete in tournaments, and trade in-game items.

A gamer acquisition platform for developers looking to grow their game’s player base, gain insights on player segments, and ensure a healthy trading economy, an end-to-end development toolkit to accelerate game development and help developers launch their games.

The goal is to create a Web3 platform for the traditional gamer, nurturing games that use blockchain/NFT functionality only where necessary and put gameplay and immersion first. That said, our platform won’t limit genres or game types, but we want to partner with, and nurture the right games.

Official social media handles:

Website | Twitter | LinkedIn

About PlaceWar

PlaceWar is a decentralized strategic play-to-earn game universe deployed on a multi-chain with highly engaging artillery gameplay. It allows players to create and define the outlook of the in-game world through building, battles, and alliances.

PlaceWar creates a gamified and open Internet culture metaverse and puts users in control. You are guaranteed a gaming experience never seen in any other Play-To-Earn games. We integrate battle and creation, and we make sure there is an incentive mechanism to support them both.

Our official social media handles:

Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram | YouTube | LinkedIn



PlaceWar Official

PlaceWar is a gamified Internet culture metaverse — Play to Earn strategic artillery game ecosystem. Craft, Create, Conquest. https://placewar.io